Wallpaper Recycler lets you to select your favorite images, using any of the file formats listed below, and use them as wallpaper. This program is offered as time limited shareware. Use the program for 15 days, if at the end of this time you like the program, you can register Wallpaper Recycler to continue using it.
Set the time interval for recycling the wallpaper. From as low as 1 minute, to every hour on the hour, on Windows start-up, every morning at 8:00 am.
Add, delete pictures at any time.
Display wallpaper as tiled or centered.
Use any of the following image file formats: BMP, DIB, JIF, JPG, PCx, PNG, RLE, TGA, TIF (Uncompressed Only), WMF, WPG (Raster Only).
Starts up automatically on Windows start if this option is selected.
Easy access to Wallpaper Recycler from taskbar tray.
Place pictures into any of 10 lists, each with up to 1000 pictures
Switch Between lists instantly, display any picture in the selected list instantly, change between centered and tile attributes, and much more with our quick interface that is activated by clicking the wallpaper icon in the windows tray.
Wallpaper Recycler is extremely easy to install and use, with README text, on-line help.